The Art

The significance behind the artwork

The artwork depicts highly symbolic patterns and designs from the Jukurrpa, or The Dreaming. Aboriginal artwork of this kind can be seen as aerial maps of sacred Country. They can be viewed from any direction. Jukurrpa stories are owned. They are not like stories from non-Aboriginal culture which belong equally to everyone. Ownership of Aboriginal stories is passed down along tribal and family lines. Illustrations of these stories are referred to as Kurruwarri, which means ‘pattern’ or ‘design’, but also means ‘the law’. Kurruwarri refers to the patterns that come from Country–the way desert sands settle into ripples, or the movement of rivers after rain. When Warlpiri women paint themselves for ceremony, it is Kurruwarri.

Where it comes from

When Aboriginal artists move their brushes over canvas, it is Kurruwarri– the patterns of Country speaking through them. To obtain permission to use these very special Kurruwarri designs, Elissa Conoscente, our designer, travelled to the very heart of Australia– deep into the remote Tanami desert to a community called Yuendumu. In this tiny Warlpiri community, surrounded by the huge rock formations of sacred Rain Dreaming sites, she came to an agreement with the elders. They would share stories and patterns with her, and she would reproduce them as faithfully as possible through fabric medium. Our collaboration with Aboriginal artists complies with Aboriginal, particularly Warlpiri, cultural laws. We will never public designs that are “secret-sacred” or limited in any other way”.

Hand in hand, we are working together to safeguard the priceless heritage of Aboriginal Australians.

The story, the Songline, and the Dreaming Track,
must be preserved and re-told.


Indigenous art is an important part of Indigenous people’s heritage. We promote ethical working relationships with Indigenous artists and we are committed to ethical trade in Indigenous art as a means to support economic development in remote communities.

We use original artwork from central Australia’s ‘true outback’ designed by Indigenous Aboriginal artists telling their tales from ‘Dreamtime’ Australia.

If all of the specs weren’t cool enough, your purchase helps support a great cause: A portion of each sale goes towards a better quality of life for the Indigenous Australians who we thank for our beautiful artwork.

Sunzi footprints

Our Artists

Our Artwork

Star Dreaming Red

“Preserving Jukurrpa”

Sunzi Star Dreaming Red

 ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration between Otto Jungarrayi Sims & Elissa Nampijinpa Conoscente

This ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration is about friendship and it’s pathway.

Otto Jungarrayi is responsible for safeguarding the Yiwarra (Milky Way) Songlines and Jukurrpa stories (Dreaming stories). By sharing these stories with Elissa Nampijinpa he has introduced her to the concept of Ngurra-kurlu, the home within, and the 5 key elements of the Warlpiri culture. Country, Law, Language, Ceremony, and Skin (or Kinship). Ngurra-kurlu is the heart of central desert cultures, a complete cosmology and philosophy for living in harmony with nature.

Star Dreaming Orange

“Preserving Jukurrpa”

Sunzi Star Dreaming Orange

 ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration between Otto Jungarrayi Sims & Elissa Nampijinpa Conoscente

This ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration is about friendship and it’s pathway.

Otto Jungarrayi is responsible for safeguarding the Yiwarra (Milky Way) Songlines and Jukurrpa stories (Dreaming stories). By sharing these stories with Elissa Nampijinpa he has introduced her to the concept of Ngurra-kurlu, the home within, and the 5 key elements of the Warlpiri culture. Country, Law, Language, Ceremony, and Skin (or Kinship). Ngurra-kurlu is the heart of central desert cultures, a complete cosmology and philosophy for living in harmony with nature.

Star Dreaming Black

“Preserving Jukurrpa”

Sunzi Star Dreaming Black

 ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration between Otto Jungarrayi Sims & Elissa Nampijinpa Conoscente

This ‘Star Dreaming’ collaboration is about friendship and it’s pathway.

Otto Jungarrayi is responsible for safeguarding the Yiwarra (Milky Way) Songlines and Jukurrpa stories (Dreaming stories). By sharing these stories with Elissa Nampijinpa he has introduced her to the concept of Ngurra-kurlu, the home within, and the 5 key elements of the Warlpiri culture. Country, Law, Language, Ceremony, and Skin (or Kinship). Ngurra-kurlu is the heart of central desert cultures, a complete cosmology and philosophy for living in harmony with nature.


“Bonding Friendships”

Sunzi Petran

A color scheme where the sea meets the sand forming strong eternal ties. This Native Australian print tells the story of how friendship and diversity can form powerful lifelong bonds, just as in nature. 
Collaboration between Elissa Nampijinpa & Paul Blewit.

Tanami Ripple

“Graceful Australian Sands”

Sunzi Tanami Ripple

Tanami Ripples by Nampijinpa

Tanami Ripples is all about calming the soul in togetherness.  Photographed from the skies above the majestic Tanami Desert in Australia, this print is a birds eye view of mother nature’s artwork creating a graceful rippling effect in to the endless burnt Australian landscape.

Gifting the profits of this print to the Warlpiri, Elissa Nampijinpa supports progams such as these:

Artist & Designer Elissa Nampijinpa has used an effect to slightly distort & pixelate her photography, creating a unique effect to achieve the final print.

Tanami Dry

“Parched Australian Desert”

Sunzi Tanami Dry

Tanami Dry by Elissa Nampijinpa

Tanami Dry was taken from the skies above the Tanami Desert in Australia, a birds eye view of the scars left behind of a drought ridden desert and it’s barren waterways no longer able to nourish it’s natural inhabitants or feed it’s Indigenous peoples.

This print is Nampijinpa’s gift to the Warlpiri and all profits  from this print will benefit towards bringing clean water and medical aid to the Central Desert Regions of the Northern Territories of Australia. 

Artist & Designer Elissa Nampijinpa has used an effect to pixelate the photograph creating a unique effect to achieve the final print.


“Our Spirit is Everywhere”

Sunzi Eyesee

This Native Australian print inspired by the earths natural tones is our depiction of the guiding eye of our life’s journey. These are the footsteps we take through our lifetime leaving a part of our spirit in each place that we visit.

A collaboration between Elissa Nampijinpa & Paul Blewit.


“Be Good to Our Planet”

Sunzi Turtles

This Native Australian print inspired by the colors and wildlife of The Great Barrier Reef is a little reminder to stop and be grateful for what nature has provided us. A hopeful reminder to do our part and take care of our great Mother Earth so that she can continue to take care of us.

Collaboration between Elissa Conoscente & Paul Blewit.

Women Dreaming

“Womens tracks”

black and white picture of a map of country

Agnes has painted a top-down map of Country—the route women take when they go out “hunting” for bush banana, bush tomato and other important bush foods of the Northern Tanami Desert. At either end of the “hunt” the women rest, sitting around campfires where they make tea in billycans, or in repurposed tins, and winnow seeds for flour. The horseshoe shapes are the sitting women seen from above. The undulating and endless line is the paths they take, winding through bushland thick with acacias and ghost gums, to find the fruiting trees.

Collaboration between Elissa Nampajimpa Conoscente & Agnes Napanangka Donnelly